October 2018 Edition

FIBA Advantage

Chairman's Foreword

By Adam Tyler, executive chairman at FIBA

It is hard to ignore the way in which technology is looking to revolutionise the lending sector and many advisers might be feeling concerned that these advancements are a threat to their businesses. The fear that SMEs will start going direct to lenders who offer a simple end-to-end online solution to their funding needs is, in my opinion, an overreaction. Yes, the technology exists, and some offerings have been quite successful, but let’s not forget that traditionally business owners have been approaching their own banks for funding for years, as a logical first point of call.

Credit broking remuneration models - a review

The FCA has recently published its Thematic Review TR18/2 ‘Impact of credit broking remuneration models at the point of sale’, outlining the findings from their review into inter-firm commission or remuneration models in credit broking.

Multiple DIPs issued at 'best FIBA event yet'

FIBA’s latest live deal event in Gatwick saw multiple terms issued by lenders.

The event featured an address by Adam Tyler, executive chairman at FIBA, a look at the BTL market with Jamie Pritchard, head of sales at Precise Mortgages, and a live deal room.

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