Valuation insight from VAS Valuation Group
Everything you have ever wanted to know about valuations, in 60 seconds or less. That’s the VAS Valuation Group guarantee that offers you learning in 60 seconds about all aspects of the valuation process. This takes you from Bases of Valuations, Methodology all the way through to Valuation Auditing and everything in between.
How is the residual method of valuation calculated?
Can you explain the concept of cash value?
Why do Valuers want to know about a property’s sales history – and why it’s important?
Why do valuers want to limit their liability?
Why do valuers not want to address their reports to a lender who has open ended reliance?
Why is it important to collect property specific information before getting a quote?
Why estimated GDV is key even when lending against the property or land, not the development?
What are the different bases of valuation frequently requested and why are they different?
Why is a valuation report readdress not as simple as readdressing a report to a different lender name?
Why is a valuation report readdress not as simple as readdressing a report to a different lender name?
What is the difference between AssocRICS/MRICS/FRICS qualifications?
Why are long-form commercial valuation reports more expensive than the shorter-form residential reports templates?
What are the benefits of letting brokers instruct valuations?
Why can we not send one surveyor's report to another surveyor?
How to get the best outcome when contesting a valuation?
Comparables - Why are rentals harder to find than sales?
How are reinstatement costs calculated, and why include caveats?
Why are new-build premiums sometimes included in valuations?
When can VAS Assurance Desktop+ truly add value?
Can you explain the concept of a cash value?
What's meant by a 'rely on'- and why aren't they always straightforward?
Why do valuers want to know about a property's sales history - and why is it important?
If a commercial property is let, what does "inside" and "outside" the Landlord and Tenant Act mean?
What are the biggest risk areas of a residual valuation for a lender?
For properties that have had planning permission and works completed...
What is the definition of 'Market Value' and why is it important?
Hope Value- What is it and why do some lenders not want a valuer to take it into account?
Where does a valuer pick between local sales evidence as comparable versus national sales evidence?
What is a valuer 'conflict of interest' and when might a lender not accept one?