Over 500 days since our launch...
17 Jul 2019
…and it does feel as though I have had the same number of appointments given the sheer amount of interest we have had from people and organisations wanting to play a part in FIBA’s development. I have certainly met many many times that number of people across our Industry and beyond, within the meetings and events I’ve had the pleasure to be part of during this initial 18 month period.
If you take this week as an example, I am in London three times and Manchester on one of the other days, meeting existing lender partners, new brokers, different lawyers and those wishing to be part of our market. If you combine this with a smattering of presentations new technology providers and a discussion on how through Government we can improve access to finance for SME’s, that just about sums up a typical week for me.
On a serious note, the growth in membership from a free membership scenario to numbers we have which are now measured in hundreds, alongside carefully selected Lender Partners, it certainly makes the number of meetings exceeding days since our inception feel very fulfilling and worthwhile.
To quote someone’s old school moto, onwards and upwards!
Adam Tyler, Executive Chairman, FIBA